Newspaper layouts in publications across the nation designed by Michen Dewey during her time at Lee Enterprises.

Newspaper layouts designed by Michen Dewey. She was tasked in a design class with creating and branding her own newspaper where she had to use her news judgement to make decisions on placement, hierarchy and necessary visuals. Some headline and caption writing done by Michen, while the stories and photos were aggregated from various news sources, per the class assignment requirements, with proper credit.

Stories for Mosaic Magazine written by Michen Dewey. She wrote the in-depth pieces with the topic of mental health in mind. She also took the photos, designed the pages and produced videos for each one.

Michen Dewey designed Art Works Project's annual report.

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Photo spreads in The PHOENIX designed by Michen Dewey.

A fashion magazine designed by Michen Dewey.

Type placement explorations by Michen Dewey.